Job Title: 5 Nutrition Assistants
Organization: Alliance Forum for Development(AFOD) Duty station: Kiryandongo Roles and responsibilities: Ensure availability of standardized protocols, policies and guidelines, as prescribed by the Ministry of Health and WHO/UNICEF/WFP at the health facility. Ensure that all nutrition activities are consistent with established best practices. Organize orientation and refresher training for the Care Group Volunteer (CGVs) on MUAC screening and referral as well as follow-ups. Strengthen the linkages between community health structures for early case identification, referral and management of Moderate Acute Malnutrition. Coordinate with Health Facility staff to ensure that VHTs are selected in all project locations in with the recommended MOH guidelines. Implement the Ministry of Health Care groups approach in the areas of operation by supporting the VHTs in the identification of care groups, selection of household support