Job Title: 5 Nutrition Assistants

Organization: Alliance Forum for Development(AFOD)

Duty station:  Kiryandongo


Roles and responsibilities:

  • Ensure availability of standardized protocols, policies and guidelines, as prescribed by the Ministry of Health and WHO/UNICEF/WFP at the health facility.
  • Ensure that all nutrition activities are consistent with established best practices.
  • Organize orientation and refresher training for the Care Group Volunteer (CGVs) on MUAC screening and referral as well as follow-ups.
  • Strengthen the linkages between community health structures for early case identification, referral and management of Moderate Acute Malnutrition.
  • Coordinate with Health Facility staff to ensure that VHTs are selected in all project locations in with the recommended MOH guidelines.
  • Implement the Ministry of Health Care groups approach in the areas of operation by supporting the VHTs in the identification of care groups, selection of household support groups, and behavior change promotion among the communities.
  • Organize training and for care group volunteers and VHTs using designed training modules.
  • Work with CGV heads for beneficiary identification of children 24-59 months under the field office.
  • Supervise VHTs during distribution, and carry out on job support on IYCF.
  • Provide relevant information in the development and dissemination of relevant IEC materials on nutrition activities such as IYCF, ENA.
  • Develop concept notes for the drama groups and community dialogues for community sensitization.
  • Provide care groups with the necessary working tools that they need for the implementation of activities such as meetings, modular training and conducting food demonstrations.
  • Participate in the periodic Weight for Height nutrition screening to assess for GAM level in the community.
  • Prepare project progress reports, success stories, and lessons learned during project implementation.
  • Liaise with the district VHT coordinator to ensure active engagement of VHTs in the catchment area.
  • Ensure integration with health, WASH, and Food Security teams when conducting outreach services.
  • Ensure that the nutrition program is integrated and implemented in line with the AFOD 2-P and ICLEM model.


Minimum qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s or Diploma Degree in Nutrition, Public Health, Health Education, or other relevant qualifications with experience in Public Health and CMAM Programming.
  • Minimum of one (1) year experience in a primary health care program.
  • An excellent report-writing skill is required including MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English.
  • Good Communication and Interpersonal skills.
  • Team management experience with similar programs.
  • Ability to observe and to provide feedback on the activitie


How To Apply:

Interested applicants should address their applications to the Human Resource Officer, AFOD Uganda.

Include a cover letter, vacancy reference, CV (with 3 referees and their functional email & contacts) and copies of academic qualifications/certificates.

Clearly state only the Position as the email subject line. Send your application by email to  or by hand delivery to AFOD offices listed below:

  • Adjumani field office located on Kelvin Road Karoko Village Biyaya Parish Adjumani Town council.
  • Moyo Town Field Office. For Obongi drop at the Palorinya base camp, Obongi
  • Koboko field office located at Lipa Village – Near Koboko Parents Senior Secondary School.
  • Kiryandongo District Headquarters, Office of the DHO-District Health office.
  • Kampala Country Office located on Block 216 Plot 3973 Kanfirst Drive-Canon Road, Off Kyambogo Road Buye -Kigowa Ntinda.

Application Deadline:  24TH JULY 2023


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