No Experience Supply Chain Intern – Médecins Sans Frontières

 Job Title: Supply Chain Intern

Organization: Médecins Sans Frontières

Duty Station: Kampala

 Roles and responsibilities

• Support procurement team in local, regional and international order management, through strategic sourcing according to MSF procedures and guidelines.
• Receive, prepare and submit to the procurement supervisor for review all Invoices and Procurement documents fully compliant with the MSF procedures and regulations, before processing payment.
• Participate in entering data for tendering or market assessment processes.
• Upon Completion of the Procurement Processes, file and archive the arising documents.
• Taking minutes of departmental meetings.
• Assist the Procurement supervisor and her Assistant in raising quotations, quotation analysis and preparing procurement documents.
• Local order confirmation to suppliers.
• Participate in ERP data entry, cleaning, and management. – Sharing order monitoring updates with field teams according to the available chronogram.

Warehousing Stock Management

• Receiving items when delivered by suppliers and confirming delivery is according to LPO issued.
• Support in Dispatching the consignment to the field location, and preparing shipping documents. Follow up with field locations on receipt of the items and submission of signed delivery orders from the field.
• Participate in both mid and endyear physical stock taking, inventory and reconciliation.
• With the help of the warehouse supervisor and project supply chain manager, plan and do flash inventory, and ensure that the report is analyzed, signed, and achieved.
• Preparation and maintenance of store records according to MSFstandards.
• Weighing of all consignments to be shipped to the field before handing them to the contracted shipping agent/transporter.
Transport and Customs
• Support Transport Team on updating cargo followup information (on the board – computer file)
• Support in preparing internal documents required for the importation and exportation of commodities.
• Participating in loading and offloading of international orders imported, in transit as well as Exports.
• Filing and achieving transport and customsrelated documents.
• Supporting transport and customs department by updating the field on all planned shipments.
• As delegated by the transport and customs supervisor, capture and release customs entry for transit and exports using Asycuda world.
• Support in the Dispatch of the consignment to the field location
• Any other delegated tasks


MinimumQualifications for this job:

  • Bachelor’s degree/Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Team worker, Flexibility; mobility, rigor, pro-activity, able to work with multi-disciplinary and multicultural people.
  • English is mandatory, and French is a strong asset.


Application Instructions

Interested candidates should submit their applications via email at:

or hand deliver to MSF Swiss SUKA HR office

Closing Date: 21st October 2022.


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