Donate : To save lives, medical attention is needed now more than ever; and WHO teams are on the ground responding.


The situation in Gaza is unimaginable. In just a few months, over 27,000 people, three quarters of whom are women, and children, have died. The survivors are injured, and in hospitals without enough medicines, fuel, water, or staff to treat them. 1.7 million people are displaced, without a home amidst the fighting, making them more vulnerable to disease, and malnutrition.

Under these desperate conditions, WHO teams are risking their lives to make sure every wounded, sick, and traumatized person can find the healthcare they urgently need. Since the conflict began, WHO, and its partners, have provided healthcare, and medical services, to over half a million people in dire conditions.

The situation is beyond desperate, and health needs are increasingly critical.

Too many lives have already been lost. We need your help to protect those in need.

Please, donate today.



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